Thomas Logan Apartments
Boise, ID | 60 Units | 65,625 GSF | 6,000 SF Retail | Mixed-Use/Affordable Housing

The Legacy of Thomas Logan
At the heart of Boise's Historic District, the Thomas Logan Apartments stand as a tribute to the city's rich past and its vibrant future. Named for Thomas Logan, Boise’s first postmaster and a former mayor, the development captures the adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit that defined Logan's life. Arriving in Boise by wagon in 1864, Logan embraced the opportunities of the growing Idaho Territory, helping lay the foundation for the thriving city we know today.
This legacy inspired deChase Miksis and their partners to create a community-focused housing solution that embodied the same spirit of opportunity and inclusivity. The building’s brick façade, intricate detailing, and street-level transparency reflect Boise's historic charm while fostering a modern, pedestrian-friendly atmosphere. The integration of retail and office spaces within the building mirrors Logan’s ethos: a dedication to both work and community.

Redefining Affordable Housing in Boise
The Thomas Logan Apartments have garnered accolades for their groundbreaking focus on affordable and workforce housing. Of its 60 units, 45 are deed-restricted for residents earning 65% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or below, with the remaining units catering to workforce housing. This thoughtful mix ensures a diverse and inclusive community where individuals and families from different economic backgrounds can thrive together.
Developed with the support of HUD and low-income housing tax credits, the project has been praised by city officials and housing advocates as a model solution for Boise’s housing challenges. Its rapid lease-up—including a waitlist for low-income units—underscores the urgent need for accessible housing in the city’s downtown core.
Sustainability was also a priority, with the building achieving LEED Gold certification. Like its neighboring project, The Lucy Apartments, Thomas Logan was built without on-site residential parking, encouraging residents to embrace a bike- and pedestrian-friendly lifestyle while relying on a centralized parking structure. This innovative approach not only maximized the use of urban space but also set a precedent for future developments in the area.

Preserving the Past, Building for the Future
Thomas Logan Apartments do more than provide housing—they connect the community to its history. Artifacts uncovered during the site’s construction will soon be displayed on the building’s exterior, offering residents and passersby a glimpse into Boise's storied past.
The building’s urban courtyard, shared with The Lucy Apartments, exemplifies this connection between past and present. The space, open to the sidewalk and activated by outdoor seating and retail storefronts, encourages interaction and fosters a sense of community.
By transforming underutilized parking lots into dynamic residential and mixed-use spaces, deChase Miksis and their collaborators have helped redefine Boise’s downtown. The Thomas Logan Apartments stand as a beacon of what is possible when history, sustainability, and inclusivity are woven into the fabric of urban development. Like its namesake, the project invites all who come to Boise—whether for a moment or a lifetime—to claim their place in the city’s unfolding story.